Can I Take Lion’s Mane Supplements Every Day? (And Other Questions Answered)

Lion’s Mane supplements are getting more popular these days. It’s no surprise — after all, taking mushroom extracts, tinctures, or supplements can help users achieve a healthier lifestyle when paired with other healthy habits. Though we have a good deal of research into the benefits of Lion’s Mane mushrooms, it’s still important for users to talk to a healthcare professional to get advice tailored to their specific needs. We’ll go over the basics in this blog, though, including an answer to a common question: Can I take Lion’s Mane supplements every day?

Lion’s Mane mushroom benefits 

Lion’s Mane mushrooms offer a host of potential health benefits backed by research. For example, it’s suggested to help protect against dementia by promoting brain cell growth.  Research has also found that Lion’s Mane may help with anxiety and depression through its anti-inflammatory effects and ability to improve hippocampus functioning. 

This mushroom also has been suggested to help improve recovery from nervous system injuries, protect the digestive system, and even reduce the risk of heart disease, among other benefits. 

While all of these Lion’s Mane benefits are promising, it’s important to keep in mind that the majority of these studies were conducted on animal subjects. Many have not been replicated in humans, and as such, the results should only be used as general guidance. It’s still important to talk to your doctor before introducing a Lion’s Mane tincture or related supplement. 

Potential Lion’s Mane side effects

Lion’s Mane is generally considered safe and well-tolerated among most individuals. However, this comes with some caveats. For example, a 2020 study found that some subjects taking 350mg Lion’s Mane capsules three times per day experienced abdominal discomfort, nausea, and skin rashes. Experts have also cautioned that Lion’s Mane supplements may interact with blood-clotting medications or diabetes treatments. It’s why we recommend users talk to their doctors before starting supplementation, especially if they’re taking other medications. 

Can I take Lion’s Mane every day, then?

Unfortunately, there is not a lot of research out there about the optimal dosing for Lion’s Mane supplements. For many, this means you may need to do some trial and error before finding the optimal dose and frequency for your needs. Existing research suggests that Lion’s Mane supplements are generally safe and tolerated when up to 1 gram is taken orally for up to 16 weeks. 

Many experts also suggest users take a break from taking their Lion’s Mane supplements for a few days every 6-8 weeks. 

Can I take Lion’s Mane supplements if I’m pregnant?

We’ve already noted that research is limited for Lion’s Mane’s effects on humans. Though plenty of anecdotal evidence has shown that Lion’s Mane offers many benefits from digestion to cognition, many claims still need to be verified through future studies. 

As such, there is not much evidence to support the safety and efficacy of using Lion’s Mane while pregnant. It’s best to avoid use until you’ve discussed it with your doctor. 

Where to buy Lion’s Mane in Seattle or online 

Looking to get your hands on some Lion’s Mane supplements? Our Seattle mushroom store offers both Lion’s Mane powder and Lion’s Mane extract. You can switch between the two or pick the supplement that works better for your needs or lifestyle. 

We offer delivery in the local Seattle area, or you can stop by our location and pick up your order. Not in the Seattle area but interested in buying Lion’s Mane supplements online? We’ve got you covered. Just place an order through our online mushroom shop and we’ll have it in the mail in no time. 


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